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The Bryan/College Station Chamber of Commerce exists to enhance the economic well-being of the businesses in the community it serves.
What is a Chamber of Commerce?
A Chamber of Commerce is a volunteer-driven organization that unites the business and professional leaders in an area to expand the economy of the area. Chambers provide a venue through which members can get involved and accomplish collectively what no one business could do alone. Today, Chambers have become community organizations to recognize all the factors which affect their community and adjust their programs accordingly. A Chamber of Commerce is not a department of the city, county or state government; a social service or charitable institution; a private advertising, publicity or public relations agency.
How does the Chamber of Commerce function?
There are four types of Chambers of Commerce: National, State, Regional and Local. National and state Chambers of Commerce deal primarily with those issues directly affecting them on a state-wide level. Regional Chambers focus on regional issues in the county. Local chambers spend their efforts on issues affecting their cities.
The Bryan/College Station Chamber of Commerce focuses on issues affecting the cities of Bryan and College Station, as well as Brazos County.
Additional Questions?
Do you have additional questions about the Bryan College Station Chamber of Commerce? Are you interested in joining? Contact us today!