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B/CS Chamber Chats

Impact Fees Chamber Chats - 4-part Series


Impact Fees Chamber Chat Part 1

  • The first of these chats is an educational look at impact fees, how they are constructed, and how they are used locally featuring Dr. Adam Perdue of the Texas Real Estate Research Center right here in College Station.


Impact Fees Chamber Chat Part 2

  • The second chat of this series explores the perspectives of proponents of impact fees and their opinion of why they are necessary. Mr. Fred Dupriest, a Professor of Engineering at Texas A&M University, who was at one time on the board of the College Station Association of Neighborhoods shares his perspective with Chamber Chat Host and former Board Chairman of the B/CS Chamber of Commerce, Phil Shackelford.


Impact Fees Chamber Chat - Part 3 

  • The third chat in this four-part series is with College Station City Manager, Bryan Woods, who shares his perspectives with Chamber Chat Host and former Board Chair of the B/CS Chamber of Commerce, Phil Shackelford.


Coming Soon

Impact Fees Chamber Chat - Part 4


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